Commercial microbial biomass additive evaluated in black tiger shrimp diets
Initial insights on the effects of the commercial marine microbial biomass Novacq as an additive in feeds for black tiger shrimp postlarvae and juveniles.
Study evaluates a fishmeal analog at different protein inclusion levels in diets for Pacific white shrimp reared in a biofloc technology culture system.
Initial insights on the effects of the commercial marine microbial biomass Novacq as an additive in feeds for black tiger shrimp postlarvae and juveniles.
Study assesses kelp and maize meals as nucleation sites of biofloc formation and tests the products’ effect on the performance of Nile tilapia fingerlings.
A microbial-enhanced protein for juvenile Pacific white shrimp showed higher levels of hydrolysable protein and better digestibility than soybean meal.
In a study of extruded feeds given to Pacific white shrimp juveniles, results showed shorter crop cycles, higher production yields and a cost reduction.
Global aquaculture, particularly farmed shrimp, depends on artemia for hatchery feeds. Supplies meet current needs, but growth will require alternatives.
Study evaluated the effect on Atlantic salmon smolts growth performance when adding abrown seaweed meal (from Laminaria sp., or kelp) to their feed.
Evaluation of partial replacement of fishmeal with soy protein concentrate in diets for pearl gentian grouper, a hybrid of giant grouper and tiger grouper.
Study evaluates lupin seed meal as a diet component for Pacific white shrimp in feeding experiments in a recirculating aquaculture system.
Algica, an algae-based product created from nutrients exiting recirculating aquaculture systems, has the company poised to upscale production.
American engineer at helm of Thailand-based EnerGaia has a grand vision for spirulina, which he says has potential as a protein source for fish feed.
Updating Auburn University’s standard feeding protocol for shrimp into an optimized version for timer-feeders, recognizing the role of acoustic feedback.
Study compares the response of Pacific white shrimp fed microalgal oil-based diets and assessed their ability to withstand a Vibrio parahaemolyticus challenge.
Study investigates long‐term effect of a low-fishmeal diet comprising plant‐based protein sources on the diversity of gut-microbiota in olive flounder.
Study reviews a widening variety of potential sources of single-cell protein products as renewable and sustainable ingredients for aquafeeds.
Study describes development and evaluation of an “all-in-one” stacked system for indoor production of black soldier fly larvae.