Integrated systems incorporate seaweed in South African abalone culture

South African abalone culture is growing and many of the land-based tank production systems use wild-harvested kelp to feed the animals. 

Model shrimp breeding
Model shrimp breeding

Model shrimp breeding

A model shrimp breeding program in Mexico used a large data set to estimate the heritability of body weight in different environments and the mean family breeding value for body weight using BLUP meth­od­ology. 

Reviewing the safety of aquaculture probiotics
Reviewing the safety of aquaculture probiotics

Reviewing the safety of aquaculture probiotics

Probiotics are naturally occurring microbes in cultured animals or their environments that compete with bacterial path­o­gens to favorably alter the rearing environment and improve an­imal health. The success of a pro­biotic strain depends not only upon its stated and actual performance, but also its safety to the target organism, humans, and the surrounding environment.