Market, trade flows of frozen tilapia in EU

Within the European market of frozen fish, tilapia play a minor role, with average yearly import quantities below 20,000 mt. China provides more than 80 percent of the total, while Indonesia is the second-largest exporter. 

Use your ‘license to gill’
Use your ‘license to gill’

Use your ‘license to gill’

Fish is the world’s most traded protein – and a healthy choice that will help feed the world’s growing population into the future. Aquaculture represents the most efficient method by which to convert feed to edible protein, and its use of marine ingredients is being addressed. 

Is the seafood story that complicated?
Is the seafood story that complicated?

Is the seafood story that complicated?

The United States Food and Drug Administration has updated its advice for pregnant women on mercury and seafood with greater emphasis on the benefits of eating fish. This is a positive story, but reporting on the new perspective muddied its message with opinion and innuendo. Let us all find the way to continue to promote aquaculture’s healthy, renewable products in ways that keep the stories simple, so the messages are not lost on the journey to consumers. 

Competition across fish species in E.U.
Competition across fish species in E.U.

Competition across fish species in E.U.

In Europe, most frozen white fish fillets operate in an undifferentiated market. Although differences in quality and processing affect pricing, there is also competition across species and exporting countries. Analysis showed that prices for tilapia from the leading exporter China were not affected by any competitor, but pricing for tilapia from other countries was highly related. Low Pangasius prices affected the market share of tilapia, which may help explain why Pangasius is a most popular fish in the European Union. 

New year wishes for health and seafood
New year wishes for health and seafood

New year wishes for health and seafood

To help increase seafood consumption and gain recognition for the many health benefits of seafood, the author identified three wishes for 2014. Change the risk profile of seafood to defuse the sensationalized status of mercury. Professionalize the capability of the retail industry and create an avenue for consistent, positive messages sent to consumers. Increase education to girls and women about the unique benefits of seafood.