Government promotes shellfish culture in Turkey

Turkey has many kilometers of coastline, but shellfish culture is developing slowly in the country. Only two bivalve farms producing mussels presently operate there. Mussel spat is collected naturally on the long line systems. 

Mollusk culture in Portugal
Mollusk culture in Portugal

Mollusk culture in Portugal

Most of the shellfish industry in Portugal is located on the country’s southern coast, where the production is dominated by the grooved carpet shell clam, followed by Japanese and Portuguese cupped oysters, and mussels. 

Seafood packaging, part 1
Seafood packaging, part 1

Seafood packaging, part 1

Seafood packaging must protect against dehydration, oxidation and contamination. Laminated materials allow a single film to provide gas permeability, heat sealing and flexibility at cold temperatures. 

Seafood packaging, part 2
Seafood packaging, part 2

Seafood packaging, part 2

Ongoing research on seafood packaging systems is identifying the most effective packaging methods for different products. Some have longer shelf life while others do well with only basic wraps. 

Salt, sodium in shrimp
Salt, sodium in shrimp

Salt, sodium in shrimp

Properly used moisture-retention agents with salt protect the natural moisture levels of shrimp. The amount of sodium added to shrimp should be limited to that needed for good flavor and yield.