Swedish innovators create multiple revenue streams from effluent
Algica, an algae-based product created from nutrients exiting recirculating aquaculture systems, has the company poised to upscale production.
A look at three aquaculture companies that are figuring out how to solve their production problems by using solar power in innovative ways.
Algica, an algae-based product created from nutrients exiting recirculating aquaculture systems, has the company poised to upscale production.
American engineer at helm of Thailand-based EnerGaia has a grand vision for spirulina, which he says has potential as a protein source for fish feed.
Innovation & Investment
Microalgae play a key nutritional role in larval shellfish culture. Photobioreactors may be a simplified, cost-effective form of algae production.
Utilizing proven large-scale pond engineering, Susewi aims to become the world’s largest producer of algal biomass, with its sights set on aquafeeds.
Innovation & Investment
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.
Qualitas Health, which grows algae in ponds in New Mexico and Texas for human supplements, is entering the alternative aquafeed ingredient market.
Aquaculture is spurring the growth of seafood production around the world. At Seafood Expo North America, passionate opinions about aquaculture are not difficult to find. Our editor shares his notes from the annual event.
At the F3 (fish-free feed) Companies Got Talent event in Burlingame, Calif., last week, alternative (non-marine) aquafeed ingredient companies spoke of decoupling aquaculture from fishmeal and fish oil in their quest for greater sustainability.
Innovation & Investment
A proliferation of alternative feed ingredients has allowed aquaculture to extend the natural resources it depends on. AlgaPrime, packed with the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA, is being recognized as a game-changing innovation for aquaculture feeds.
Like so many innovative solutions achieved in digital technology, a potential fix to aquaculture’s existential issue – the sustainability of feeds – was born in Silicon Valley. In a garage, no less.
Health & Welfare
Los organismos fitoplanctónicos, o microalgas, son muy abundantes en los estanques de acuacultura y tienen un papel crítico en estos ecosistemas, influyendo significativamente en la ecología general del estanque y en la calidad del agua. El manejo adecuado de las poblaciones de fitoplancton es esencial para el éxito de la producción de estanques acuícolas.
Los moluscos gasterópodos marinos conocidos como liebres de mar son animales relativamente desconocidos que tienen una importancia significativa en la investigación biomédica, debido a su particular sistema nervioso. Y debido a su capacidad de consumir grandes cantidades de algas, pueden ser muy útiles en sistemas de aguas claras de acuacultura marina.
Marine gastropod molluscs known as sea hares are relatively unknown animals that have significant importance in biomedical research due to their particular nervous system. And because of their ability to consume large amounts of algae, they can be very useful in clearwater, marine aquaculture systems.
Health & Welfare
Phytoplanktonic organisms, or microalgae, are very abundant in aquaculture ponds and have critical roles in these ecosystems, significantly influencing overall pond ecology and water quality. Proper management of phytoplankton populations is essential for successful aquaculture pond production.
Interest is growing in a two-year-long competition aimed at driving innovation in the aquafeed sector. The F3 prize for a demonstrably fish-free feed comes with a cash reward, and possibly a glimpse at the future.