NovoNutrients secures funding to scale up microbial meal production
NovoNutrients, a microbial meal producer using industrial waste as an energy source, has secured $9 million in equity to scale production.
Sourcing alternative ingredients for aquafeeds based on sustainability and circular economy principles are viable solutions for aquaculture.
NovoNutrients, a microbial meal producer using industrial waste as an energy source, has secured $9 million in equity to scale production.
With a thriving insect industry in France, new opportunities are emerging to advance aquaculture feeds and mitigate environmental challenges.
Dr. Monica Betancor, a lecturer at the University of Stirling, talks about the “intrinsic link” between fish nutrition and, ultimately, human health.
NovoNutrients will join FEED-X, an initiative to transform the “sustainability performance” of value chains linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
IFFO Director General Petter M. Johannessen says fishmeal and fish oil offer unmatched nutrition and benefits to fuel aquaculture’s growth trajectory.
Kevin Fitzsimmons, leader of the F3 (fish-free feed) Challenge, says aquaculture may currently depend on fishmeal and fish oil, but farmed fish do not.
Innovation & Investment
Aquaterra® is the third of three finalists for the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Annual Global Aquaculture Innovation Award for its omega-3 solution.
Innovation & Investment
An alternative aquaculture feed ingredient made in the American Plains is a finalist for GAA’s annual Global Aquaculture Innovation Award.
Aquafeed manufacturers around the world seeking alternatives to fishmeal may soon be able to turn to an abundant and underutilized crop: barley.
The DSM-Evonik joint venture won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge by a wide margin. CEO Karim Kurmaly talks about the “sacrifice” his team made to win.
Utilizing proven large-scale pond engineering, Susewi aims to become the world’s largest producer of algal biomass, with its sights set on aquafeeds.
Innovation & Investment
Global Aquaculture Innovation Award finalist Arbiom is steadily proving the efficacy of its alternative feed ingredient SylPro, made from woody biomass.
The sci-fi flick “The Fly” warned about mixing flies and technology, but high-tech black soldier fly farmers are seizing a real opportunity in aquaculture.
The third marine-ingredient-free feed contest launches today with an eye on carnivorous species, which face scrutiny for their dependence on fishmeal and fish oil.
Innovation & Investment
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.