Health & Welfare
Amino acid supplementation reduces protein levels in pangasius diets
Trials show that supplementation with amino acids could reduce protein levels from a typical 28 percent to 23 percent in pangasius diets.
Adaptable and diverse, polychaetes can adapt their feeding behaviors to environmental conditions. Nereis diversicolor, a marine polychaete that can tolerate wide temperature and salinity ranges, is a good candidate for RAS enhancement.
Health & Welfare
Trials show that supplementation with amino acids could reduce protein levels from a typical 28 percent to 23 percent in pangasius diets.
Extrusion manufacturing of aquafeeds has recently seen advances in several areas. The development of new die technology has multiplied hourly output.
Health & Welfare
Taurine may not only improve growth and performance, but also is required to reduce nutritional diseases such as green liver disease and low hematocrit levels in some fish.
Taurine can protect against oxidative stress, neurodegenerative diseases and atherosclerosis. It can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol values.
Most marine fish have pelagic eggs with large pools of free amino acids of fairly constant proportion regardless of species. The amino acids provide energy for metabolism and are an important nutritional asset for growing embryos.