Health & Welfare
Why are antibiotic residues in farmed shrimp a big deal?
Antibiotic residues in farmed shrimp, and antimicrobial resistance in general, pose a threat, but we must balance what is realistic and what is ideal.
Health & Welfare
Los residuos de antibióticos en los camarones cultivados y la resistencia a los antimicrobianos en general representan una amenaza, pero debemos equilibrar lo que es realista y lo que es ideal.
Health & Welfare
Antibiotic residues in farmed shrimp, and antimicrobial resistance in general, pose a threat, but we must balance what is realistic and what is ideal.
Health & Welfare
A medida que los antibióticos actuales disminuyen su eficacia contra los patógenos resistentes a múltiples fármacos, los investigadores están buscando posibles reemplazos en algunos lugares poco probables.
Health & Welfare
As current antibiotics dwindle in effectiveness against multidrug-resistant pathogens, researchers are seeking potential replacements in some unlikely places.
El Foro del Camarón regresó al SENA con información sobre las innovaciones en la producción, la amenaza de la resistencia antimicrobiana, un enfoque de mercadeo unificado y un pronóstico de la India.
The Shrimp Forum returned to SENA with insights into innovations in production, the threat of antimicrobial resistance, a unified marketing approach and a forecast from India.
Health & Welfare
The transfer of resistance from an aquaculture pathogen into a human enteric bacterium has been demonstrated in research and may be happening in the real-world environment.
Health & Welfare
Improving the methodology of antimicrobial resistance testing and related controls, and the implementation of laboratory ring tests could lead to more reliable information.