Feed formulations affect shrimp flavor, texture
Fish-free diets are suitable for shrimp production and can generate high-quality product. Consumer preferences for the flavor of shrimp and texture attributes need exploration.
Las dietas sin pescado son adecuadas para la producción de camarón y pueden generar productos de alta calidad. Las preferencias de los consumidores por los atributos de sabor y textura de los camarones necesitan ser explorados.
Fish-free diets are suitable for shrimp production and can generate high-quality product. Consumer preferences for the flavor of shrimp and texture attributes need exploration.
Health & Welfare
This study compared three types of RAS nurseries for shrimp: biofloc (BF), clear-water (CW), and hybrid RAS (HY). Results showed that differences between treatments in terms of shrimp survival, mean harvest weight, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio were not significant.
Health & Welfare
This study examined differences in fish performance and water quality dynamics between biofloc, clear water and hybrid systems as nurseries for tilapia.
Health & Welfare
El estudio ilustra el rango de opciones de salinidad para la producción de camarones en sistemas de biofloc a escala comercial, y no encontró diferencias significativas en ninguna métrica de producción de camarón.
Health & Welfare
Study illustrates the range of salinity options for shrimp production in commercial-scale biofloc systems and found no significant differences in any shrimp production metric.
Un estudio llevado a cabo con camarones juveniles (Litopenaeus vannamei) criados en sistemas experimentales de biofloc utilizó cuatro tratamientos. Los resultados indican que las diferencias en la gestión y la fuente de carbohidratos pueden llevar a disparidades sustanciales en el funcionamiento y la producción del sistema.
A study conducted with juvenile shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared in experimental biofloc systems used four treatments. Results indicate that differences in management and carbohydrate source can lead to substantial disparity in system function and production.
By raising shrimp in a closed building, producers can increase biosecurity, produce shrimp more consistently, grow shrimp year-round and locate production centers near markets. Chefs and consumers were very accepting of whole fresh shrimp, offered at a farmers market, that was farmed indoors in Kentucky.
Health & Welfare
A trial in a lined, greenhouse-enclosed raceway evaluated the use of a heterotrophic biofloc system equipped with aeration, supplemental oxygen injection and centralized heating to achieve good shrimp production.
Health & Welfare
In an experiment comparing two biofloc concentrations, shrimp grew larger and faster in low-solids, with no significant differences in survival, FCR or final biomass.
Health & Welfare
Accurate estimates of shrimp populations and size variability by sampling can help managers make informed decisions that reduce feeding costs and improve system performance.
A study examined the effects of removing suspended solids using side-stream settling chambers in a superintensive biofloc shrimp system. The chambers reduced nitrate-nitrogen and phosphate concentrations and improved shrimp growth rate and biomass.