Health & Welfare
Evaluating stunning methods in tropical shrimp aquaculture
Study evaluated effects of stunning methods (thermal shock and electric shock) on the welfare of three crustacean species, including Pacific white shrimp.
Innovation & Investment
Global Aquaculture Innovation Award finalist Ace Aquatec’s Humane Stunner Universal easily renders fish unconscious for a more humane slaughter process.
Health & Welfare
Study evaluated effects of stunning methods (thermal shock and electric shock) on the welfare of three crustacean species, including Pacific white shrimp.
Health & Welfare
There’s an opportunity to expand the U.S. market for farmed seafood if the aquaculture industry were to more widely adopt humane production practices, according to a study by Changing Tastes and Datassential.
Despite the positive outputs of the global salmon farming business it remains a target for sharp criticism. In Scotland, the industry’s battle against misleading and inaccurate information reaches a new level.
Health & Welfare
El bienestar animal en las granjas de peces abarca la salud, la dieta, la calidad del agua, la cría, el manejo y el beneficiamiento. Añada el enriquecimiento del ambiente a la lista, como una compañía de salmón escocés, que mantiene sus peces sanos manteniéndolos ocupados.
Health & Welfare
Animal welfare on fish farms encompasses health, diet, water quality, husbandry, handling and slaughter. Add environment enrichment to the list, like a Scottish salmon company, which keeps its fish healthy by keeping them busy.
Health & Welfare
At this year’s GOAL conference in Guangzhou, China, leading animal welfare and aquatic animal disease experts will share knowledge about how producers can gird their operations. EMS, EHP, streptococcosis and sea lice will be addressed, as will the latest in area management.
Health & Welfare
Removing the eyestalk of broodstock female shrimp aided in the explosive growth of commercial-scale aquaculture. An undertaking by a Central American shrimp farmer has shown that producing shrimp without ablation can ease animal welfare worries without the feared drop in production.
Health & Welfare
Quantification of fish behavior is complex and depends on the experimental setup and biomarkers applied. A simple method was tested to quantify locomotor behavior to evaluate the effects of simulated water treatment scenarios using peracetic acid.
Innovation & Investment
The aquaculture industry is doing a poor job of educating consumers about farmed fish, according to polling results from the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL conference in Vancouver, Canada. View the results from all 18 audience questions, with photos from the diverse audience.
Innovation & Investment
David Little, professor at the University of Stirling in Scotland, tells the Advocate about the rapid evolution of the aquaculture industry in Southeast Asia — where he made his home for many years — and discusses the role of academia in ushering in new eras of innovation.
Health & Welfare
Research that has shown fish have the necessary brain structure to feel pain has displaced traditional perspectives and led to additional accounting for fish welfare in aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
Survey participants also indicated that, in general, Brazil’s fish-farming industry is addressing elements of animal welfare to some degree, but can improve.
Health & Welfare
Although concerns for the animal welfare of food animals are currently highest in the United Kingdom and European Union, they are also growing in other parts of the world.