Innovation & Investment
Entrepreneur Tony Fadell joins GOAL 2021 to talk technology and aquaculture
Former Apple and Google developer Tony Fadell told GOAL attendees that new technologies must smooth the pathway to the marketplace.
Innovation & Investment
A new Aqua Insights Report from Aqua-Spark finds that tilapia aquaculture is key to food security across sub-Saharan Africa.
Innovation & Investment
Former Apple and Google developer Tony Fadell told GOAL attendees that new technologies must smooth the pathway to the marketplace.
Algica, un producto a base de algas creado a partir de nutrientes que salen de los sistemas de recirculación acuícola, tiene a la compañía preparada para aumentar la producción.
La acuacultura mundial, particularmente el camarón cultivado, depende de la artemia para alimentos en los criaderos. Los suministros satisfacen las necesidades actuales, pero el crecimiento requerirá alternativas.
Global aquaculture, particularly farmed shrimp, depends on artemia for hatchery feeds. Supplies meet current needs, but growth will require alternatives.
Algica, an algae-based product created from nutrients exiting recirculating aquaculture systems, has the company poised to upscale production.
American engineer at helm of Thailand-based EnerGaia has a grand vision for spirulina, which he says has potential as a protein source for fish feed.
Innovation & Investment
Los dos productos de BioFishency, el Biofiltro de Un Pase y el Mini-RAS, cada uno tiene como objetivo mejorar las tasas de supervivencia, crecimiento y reproducción de los peces, lo que aumenta la rentabilidad y la sostenibilidad para el productor.
Innovation & Investment
El fondo de inversión con sede en los Países Bajos está respaldando una tecnología patentada de micro-encapsulación que apunta a reemplazar las necesidades de alimentos vivos para peces y camarones en etapa temprana.
Innovation & Investment
BioFishency's two products, the Single Pass BioFilter and the Mini-RAS, each aim to improve the survival, growth and reproduction rates of fish, which increases profitability and sustainability for the farmer.
Innovation & Investment
The Netherlands-based investment fund is backing a proprietary micro-encapsulation technology that aims to replace live-feed needs for early-stage fish and shrimp.
En las orillas del Lago Cahora Bassa, la granja Chicoa Fish Farm espera crear un efecto dominó para mejorar el suministro de peces y la calidad de vida de una región empobrecida.
On the shores of Lake Cahora Bassa, Chicoa Fish Farm hopes to create a ripple effect to improve fish supply and quality of life for an impoverished region.
Innovation & Investment
Overfeeding is a waste stream for aquaculture. Underwater cameras in pens help, but a company mixing hydroacoustics and machine learning has another idea.
Innovation & Investment
Impact investment, which seeks environmental and social returns in addition to profits, was examined during a SeaWeb Seafood Summit panel.
Innovation & Investment
XperCount, también conocido como el "cubo mágico," utiliza la óptica y la fotónica para proporcionar un recuento exacto del 95 por ciento de los microorganismos, como larvas de peces o camarones, en cuestión de segundos.