Innovation & Investment
Technology allowing aquaculture to do social distancing
Data tools and remotely operated feeding systems are just a couple ways aquaculture is accomplishing social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.
Innovation & Investment
Las herramientas de datos y los sistemas de alimentación operados a distancia son solo un par de formas en que la acuacultura está logrando distanciamiento social durante la pandemia de coronavirus.
Innovation & Investment
Data tools and remotely operated feeding systems are just a couple ways aquaculture is accomplishing social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.
Rajamanohar Somasundarama delivers his PechaKucha presentation at the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL conference, held this year in Chennai, India.
Innovation & Investment
Las compañías de acuacultura progresiva están aprovechando el poder de la inteligencia artificial (IA) de empresas como Umitron y Aquaconnect para mejorar las operaciones.
Innovation & Investment
Progressive aquaculture companies are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) from firms like Umitron and Aquaconnect to improve operations.
Innovation & Investment
Un empresario de tecnología en serie y un comerciante de camarón quieren ser Amazon para la industria de cultivo de camarón de la India. Un programa de aceleración a medio mundo de distancia los ha acercado a sus objetivos.
Innovation & Investment
A serial tech entrepreneur and a shrimp trader want to be Amazon for India’s shrimp farming industry. An accelerator program half a world away has brought them closer to their goals.