Waste in aquaculture, Part 2
Part 2 of this article reviews proper waste production from feed, chemicals and pathogens in an effort support improved and sustainable aquaculture production.
Innovation & Investment
Increasing integration of various disruptive technologies into aquaculture practices will improve productivity and sustainability.
Part 2 of this article reviews proper waste production from feed, chemicals and pathogens in an effort support improved and sustainable aquaculture production.
A review of various aspects of waste production from aquaculture, their sources and components, and methods of management for different culture systems.
Prof. Boyd discusses toxicity of chemical substances in aquaculture systems and the difficulties in establishing safe concentration limits for toxic metabolites.
Authors review global aquaculture production, including development, farming systems, environmental concerns and further growth potential.
The most recent biennial report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations stresses the growing importance that aquaculture has as new records for global seafood production and consumption were reached in 2016.
Authors analyzed the role played by fish and fishery products – from aquaculture or from wild capture fisheries – in the diets of the richest and poorest countries. Fish and fishery products have an essential function in human nutrition.
Science tells us that domesticated livestock and fowl cannot begin to address our world’s near-term protein needs, and that farming fish is our best option. Getting more public support is critical to the success of aquaculture and our planet.
Los últimos premios Champions of Change (Campeones de Cambio) celebraron el trabajo de los responsables del cambio en los productos de mar sostenibles, desde los chefs hasta los pescadores y los defensores de la acuacultura. Con la innovación y la perseverancia, la industria pronto podrá alcanzar su vasto potencial.
Innovation & Investment
Jurassic Salmon, established in Poland just two years ago, is using 150-million-year-old geothermal saline waters from the “Lower Jura” era. Armed with certifications, the company is navigating an awkward growth stage.
A project to develop Arctic charr culture and commercialization in Canada involves governmental and non-governmental agencies, universities and research institutes, and Canadian producers from eight provinces and territories of Canada.
La producción mundial de la maricultura sostenible, desarrollada en una escala masiva y sostenible y utilizando sólo una pequeña fracción de las zonas oceánicas del mundo, podría eventualmente igualar la producción agrícola con base en tierra. La escala y consideraciones de derecho internacional requieren la participación de muchas partes interesadas, incluidos los gobiernos nacionales y las organizaciones internacionales.
Innovation & Investment
Salmon farming in Norway is poised for an innovation boom. The biggest players are putting cutting technology in the water to solve some of the industry’s most persistent problems, such as sea lice, fish escape and waste management.
Innovation & Investment
IDH Vietnam Manager Flavio Corsin speaks passionately about the importance of controlling disease and getting all stakeholders to put competition aside and pull on the same end of the rope. Improvement initiatives for pangasius, shrimp and tilapia are among the Dutch sustainable trade organization’s priorities.
According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016 report, global per-capita seafood consumption eclipsed 20 kilograms for the first time. This infographic highlights some of the key findings for aquaculture and its important role in feeding the world.
Innovation & Investment
In the conclusion of a two-part interview, independent advisor Melanie Siggs talks to the Advocate about consumer perceptions of aquaculture, and many roles that NGOs fill and her hopes for the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative and its work with certification schemes.