Contributions of marine aquaculture to sustainable development of island regions
Research is leading toward a methodology to assess the contribution of marine aquaculture through performance measurements and impacts.
Health & Welfare
Germany produces a limited amount of carp, trout, mussels and other species. Although traditional pond-based farms continue to operate, the country’s aquaculture production is trending toward land-based systems that feature efficient resource use and reduced environmental impacts.
Research is leading toward a methodology to assess the contribution of marine aquaculture through performance measurements and impacts.
Health & Welfare
Although pike perch aquaculture is growing, it still relies on wild breeders, whose spawning is induced by hormone treatment or manipulation of photoperiod and rearing temperature.
Fish farming in Egypt is not formally recognized as an agricultural activity, so aquaculture cannot use water from irrigation canals. However, fish are raised as primary or secondary crops in combination with fruit and other plant crops.
Seaweed plays key roles in Earth processes as a primary producer and link in the food webs of coastal and estuarine ecosystems.
Innovation & Investment
As aquaculture grows, the industry will need tailored insurance solutions that address the realities of varied production methods and locations.
Health & Welfare
In the international aquaculture trade, producers have lots of information on how their fish or shrimp were produced, but buyers may know little about a product’s safety, origins or environmental and social impacts.
Those interested in using groundwater for aquaculture should perform a thorough chemical analysis of the water. Several problems related to groundwater use in hatcheries and holding or transport vessels can be alleviated by degassing or aeration.
U.S. policies are intended to facilitate sustainable marine aquaculture, restore natural resources and enhance fisheries. Additional initiatives address shellfish production, aquaculture management in the Gulf of Mexico and technology transfer.
Health & Welfare
Kenya's economic stimulus program includes a bold move to help the country’s small-scale farmers literally dig themselves out of poverty with fish ponds.
Cage aquaculture in hydroelectric reservoirs has great potential for expansion in Brazil, but there are concerns of negative environmental impacts. Careful climate zoning can assist proper siting.
Discussion of aquaculture development should consider trophic levels. Seaweed culture, for example, could possibly double plant food production by farming less than 1 percent of the ocean’s surface.
The regulatory system for aquaculture in New Zealand addresses social and cultural factors through legislation and policies that strongly utilize public consultation. The indigenous Mäori people, for example, play an integral role in aquaculture development.
Carbon dioxide is both a nutrient and a waste product in aquaculture. Some pond managers feel that application of organic matter to provide additional carbon dioxide can reduce pH and control blue-green algae.
Health & Welfare
Aquaculture may deliver commerical quantities of the tiny sea creatures, Bugula neritina, that provide important anticancer compounds.
Health & Welfare
The microbial flora of farmed seafood products, particularly the microorganisms considered human pathogens, are important to individuals and agencies.