Updating nutritional research strategies for the optimal evaluation of aquafeed ingredients, part 2
Standardizing the assessment process of aquaculture feed ingredients using a structured approach for assessing their quality.
The aquaculture value chain can significantly reduce carbon emissions with innovations in feed, transportation and operations.
Standardizing the assessment process of aquaculture feed ingredients using a structured approach for assessing their quality.
Many strategies can be used to assess the nutritional quality of ingredients. The choice, however, can impact the interpretation of that information.
Utilizing proven large-scale pond engineering, Susewi aims to become the world’s largest producer of algal biomass, with its sights set on aquafeeds.
The sci-fi flick “The Fly” warned about mixing flies and technology, but high-tech black soldier fly farmers are seizing a real opportunity in aquaculture.
The third marine-ingredient-free feed contest launches today with an eye on carnivorous species, which face scrutiny for their dependence on fishmeal and fish oil.
Use of fish trimmings and byproducts in fishmeal and fish oil is a win for aquaculture. But challenges loom, including logistics and economics.
Innovation & Investment
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.
Findings of recent feeding trials with Siberian sturgeon and redfish demonstrate that mullet-based feeds can be substituted for traditional fishmeal resources.
Qualitas Health, which grows algae in ponds in New Mexico and Texas for human supplements, is entering the alternative aquafeed ingredient market.
How can the interesting and valuable research on alternate feed ingredients get from the laboratory bench to consumers’ bellies through market mechanisms?
Massachusetts-based biotechnology firm KnipBio is the first single-cell protein manufacturer serving the aquafeed industry to earn Generally Regarded as Safe designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Alltech’s eighth annual Global Feed Survey, a compilation of estimated feed production data, reported that aquafeeds grew globally by 4 percent.
Innovation & Investment
Overfeeding is a waste stream for aquaculture. Underwater cameras in pens help, but a company mixing hydroacoustics and machine learning has another idea.
The use of properly and efficiently formulated feeds using least-cost formulation software is an important determinant of a successful crop.
Arbiom hopes to ride the wave of interest in novel feed ingredients and expand production of a nutrient-rich protein meal made from wood residues.