Health & Welfare
Assessment of transmission risk in cooked, WSSV-infected shrimp
Exported cooked shrimp infected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and tested positive by PCR is considered a risk factor for the introduction of the pathogen.
Health & Welfare
Los camarones cocidos exportados infectados con el virus del síndrome de la mancha blanca (WSSV) y con resultado positivo por PCR se consideran un factor de riesgo para la introducción del patógeno.
Health & Welfare
Exported cooked shrimp infected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and tested positive by PCR is considered a risk factor for the introduction of the pathogen.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio demuestra una fuerte asociación entre el Síndrome de las Heces Blancas y Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei en regiones endémicas de EHP. Las estrategias de bioseguridad pueden minimizar el riesgo de propagación de patógenos en las Américas.
Health & Welfare
Study demonstrates strong association between White Feces Syndrome and Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei in EHP-endemic regions. Biosecurity strategies can minimize the risk of pathogen’s spread in the Americas.
Health & Welfare
Los autores describen los ensayos de PCR convencional y de PCR en tiempo real basados en el gen flgE de NHPB como métodos alternativos para la detección y cuantificación de NHPB en muestras de camarones y asociadas con camarones, incluyendo artemia.
Health & Welfare
Authors describe conventional PCR and real-time PCR assays based on the NHPB flgE gene as alternative methods for the detection and quantification of NHPB in shrimp and shrimp-associated samples, including artemia. This newly described method will be an additional diagnostic tool for confirmation of this pathogen.
Health & Welfare
El Laboratorio de Patología Acuícola de la Universidad de Arizona ha contribuido significativamente a la expansión de la cría de camarones durante tres décadas.
Health & Welfare
The University of Arizona’s Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory has significantly contributed to the expansion of the shrimp farming for three decades.
Health & Welfare
The University of Arizona Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory has carried out the Proficiency Test (PT) since 2005, with 300-plus diagnostic laboratories participating while improving their capabilities in the diagnosis of several shrimp pathogens.