Innovation & Investment
In Australia, aquaculture is looking up – and ahead
Pathogen-resistant crawfish and microencapsulated aquafeed supplements are two examples of how Australia’s aquaculture industry is always innovating.
Innovation & Investment
A collaboration between Viet-Uc Seafood Corporation and CSIRO of Australia develops improvements in super-intensive indoor shrimp farming technology.
Innovation & Investment
Pathogen-resistant crawfish and microencapsulated aquafeed supplements are two examples of how Australia’s aquaculture industry is always innovating.
Though relatively new to the worldwide market, the perch species farmed by Aquna Sustainable Murray Cod in Australia is in high demand.
Researchers in Australia are experimenting with a biological control for warmer climates: a parasite-eating shrimp popular with aquarium enthusiasts.
Innovation & Investment
La acuacultura Australiana recibe atención necesaria más tarde este mes, cuando Fish 2.0 organiza un taller regional centrado en la innovación y la inversión en Melbourne.
Innovation & Investment
Australian aquaculture gets some needed attention later this month when Fish 2.0 holds a regional workshop focused on innovation and investment in Melbourne.
Combinando la dinámica de fluidos geofísicos y la biología marina, la tecnología visionaria de Brian Von Herzen pronto será probada frente a la costa de Massachusetts antes de exportarla al Océano Índico.
Combining geophysical fluid dynamics and marine biology, Brian Von Herzen’s visionary technology will soon be tested off the coast of Massachusetts before export to the Indian Ocean.
Health & Welfare
This article from Australia’s CSIRO details the "race" to breed oysters genetically predisposed to resist Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS), a disease that is harmless to humans but so lethal to oysters that it can kill more than 90 percent of a crop of millions of animals within days.
Innovation & Investment
A government-funded $3 million (AUS) project by innovationXchange, WWF and others seeks transformative solutions from entrepreneurs for small-scale producers in the Indo-Pacific region. The competition’s three challenges include fresh thinking on feed, “new ocean products” and sustainable design.
Shrimp farmers in Australia believe that applying smaller amounts of feed regularly is an effective strategy for maximizing feed conversion in ponds. By providing more time for shrimp to rest between eating cycles, consistently lower FCRs have been achieved.
While intensive shrimp farms in Australia and elsewhere are sensitive to rising energy prices, global intensification and farming innovations have led to significant improvements in shrimp farm energy efficiency. Important among the changes was the global switch to zero-exchange production of white shrimp.
Although there is compelling evidence that early humans relied heavily on the fruits of the ocean, the mindset of powers that be tends to focus on utilization of land for food. In Australia, for example, the country controls water resources with 2.5 times the area of its land, yet it is not food secure in seafood. Many bright minds have not awakened to the unique opportunities that aquaculture and fisheries offer. It’s time to get aquaculture out of the pigeonhole.
Greater knowledge of fouling organisms and their settlement can help lead to greater effectiveness for cage net-cleaning machines. If cleaning is done regularly at certain times of the year, biofouling may be easier to remove or kept from settling on nets.
Health & Welfare
A partnership between CSIRO and the Australian seafood industry has significantly improved the selective breeding of Australian Pacific oysters.
A practical way to treat mariculture effluents combines the physical attributes of a sand filter and the biological properties of hungry marine sand worms.