After testing new feed ingredients, Thai Union finds reluctant uptake
The company has engaged in feed trials with both algae and microbial meals, before its sustainability director said farmers, “by and large, don’t want it.”
Aquaculture producers in Ireland’s Clew Bay prove that organized clusters can mitigate biosecurity risks and can even raise their profile with consumers.
The company has engaged in feed trials with both algae and microbial meals, before its sustainability director said farmers, “by and large, don’t want it.”
Innovation & Investment
The emerging technology, known as the foundation for cryptocurrencies, may be the trustworthy traceability tool the industry needs in a digitally driven world.
Group certification can streamline the auditing process, saving farmers time and money while improving economic conditions for all participants. It also has the potential to cause rifts among competitors.
Innovation & Investment
Under pressure for environmental impacts during its expansion in the 1990s, shrimp producers and marketplace representatives formed the Global Aquaculture Alliance to hold their industry to higher standards.
Innovation & Investment
A timeline of key milestones and achievements by the Global Aquaculture Alliance and its third-party aquaculture certification scheme, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP).
Shrimp aquafeeds – live, fresh or formulated – should not be an entry point of potential pathogens to the shrimp and/or to their culture systems.
A nonprofit organization working to improve conditions in African prisons is hoping tilapia ponds, tended to by inmates, will aid in their nutrition. A small donation from the Global Aquaculture Alliance will go a long way.
There are similarities and differences between the various aquaculture certification programs but until recently there has been little publicly available analysis to document those points. Michael Tlusty, director of ocean sustainability science at the New England Aquarium, provided it at GOAL 2016.
The U.S. foodservice community at large believes that aquaculture should be judged by its potential to feed the world in an environmentally and socially responsible manner and not by the misgivings that dogged the industry in its infancy.
A GAA-commissioned survey sought to determine the knowledge level of seafood sustainability and farmed seafood in the foodservice industry. The results suggest a need to engage professional chefs through the sources they trust: suppliers.