
A look at various intensive shrimp farming systems in Asia

The impact of diseases led some Asian shrimp farming countries to develop biofloc and recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) production technologies. Treating incoming water for culture operations and wastewater treatment are biosecurity measures for disease prevention and control. 

Novel reactor developed for indoor, high-density production of diatoms
Article image for Novel reactor developed for indoor, high-density production of diatoms


Novel reactor developed for indoor, high-density production of diatoms

The development of this reactor for the indoor cultivation of non-suspended microalgae like important diatoms such as Amphora spp., and the cellular dry matter values produced in this study will help bio-filming science support the development and improvement of in situ feed supplementation for fish and shrimp ponds, particularly in desert environments. 

Stocking density affects super-intensive biofloc nursery shrimp production
Article image for Stocking density affects super-intensive biofloc nursery shrimp production

Health & Welfare

Stocking density affects super-intensive biofloc nursery shrimp production

The authors performed a study to determine the tolerance of shrimp postlarvae to the crowding effects of high-density stocking in terms of production performance. Postlarvae were stocked in heavily aerated microcosm tanks with biofloc at 1,500; 3,000; 6,000 or 9,000 shrimp/m3. High survival was observed at all densities. Final biomass values increased with higher stocking densities, but there was no significant difference between the 6,000 and 9,000 shrimp/m3 treatments or the 1,500 and 3,000 shrimp/m3 treatments.