GOAL 2019: Global finfish production review and forecast
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Innovation & Investment
San Diego-based bluefin tuna hatchery and feed company Ichthus Unlimited aims to make tuna ranching a more sustainable and reliable option.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Innovation & Investment
Bluefin tuna may be the most prized fish in the ocean. If hon-maguro sashimi is to remain chic, closed-cycle aquaculture may help keep it on menus.
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture could be a sustainable alternative to fishing for tuna but achieving commercial-scale production has proven challenging.