Marine fish culture in Brazil
Marine fish farming in Brazil appears promising. A new cobia research network will support industry growth through standardization, development of technology and training.
Work on the reproduction and larval rearing of southern Brazilian flounder supports the feasibility of flounder culture. Further research will improve weaning and grow-out techniques for the species.
Marine fish farming in Brazil appears promising. A new cobia research network will support industry growth through standardization, development of technology and training.
Health & Welfare
Combined analyses of SPF shrimp from six imported lines and one commercial genetically improved line in Brazil found excellent winter performance.
Freshwater fish culture is practiced in every state in Brazil, primarily at small-scale earthen pond facilities, but tilapia culture in reservoir cages is increasing.
Freshwater prawns are farmed in almost all states in Brazil, although the industry is concentrated in the southeast region, mainly the state of Espirito Santo.
Pintado, a South American carnivorous catfish that inhabits the Paraná and São Francisco River basins, is cultured in most regions of Brazil.
Some producers take advantage of shrimp's ability to tolerate a broad range of salinity variations by rearing in low-salinity waters.
Because of the natural feeding habits of the Brazilian fish pacu, it is relevant to evaluate the use of vegetable protein in their feed.
The culture of tropical freshwater fishes has led aquaculture development in Brazil, where many areas have the required characteristics to grow the industry.