Innovation & Investment
Aquafeed opportunity attracts pioneers from fields afar
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.
A medida que los líderes empresariales cambian su enfoque de los biocombustibles y la energía a la seguridad alimentaria, un creyente convertido llama la oportunidad de los alimentos acuícolas como un necesario "redespliegue" de conocimiento.
Innovation & Investment
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.
The company has engaged in feed trials with both algae and microbial meals, before its sustainability director said farmers, “by and large, don’t want it.”
KnipBio, a Massachusetts-based biotechnology startup founded in 2013, is refining the manufacturing process for a promising aquaculture feed ingredient that may one day form the foundation of the food that farmed fish eat.
Turn fuel into animal food? Calysta can do that. The California biotech company is now hoping for greater buy-in from aquaculture, its target market. CEO Alan Shaw talks about the potential of FeedKind and its ambitious plans for 2016 and beyond.
Innovation & Investment
Dutch investment firm Aqua-Spark has in just two years developed a modest portfolio, but a strategy that is poised for growth and impact across the entire aquaculture value chain, its CEO and co-founder told the Advocate.
Innovation & Investment
A jam-packed three days of important dialogue in Vancouver was capped off by a keynote from the CEO of one of Canada’s oldest seafood companies, a suite of aquafeed innovations and a moving acceptance speech from Bill Herzig, the GAA Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.