Health & Welfare
Evaluación de un programa de cría selectiva de langostinos gigantes de agua dulce en China
Un programa de cría selectiva para langostinos gigantes de agua dulce en China proporciona información valiosa para la cría de la especie.
First evaluation of statistical data on aquaculture development effects on marine wild fisheries and contributions to their sustainable management.
Health & Welfare
Un programa de cría selectiva para langostinos gigantes de agua dulce en China proporciona información valiosa para la cría de la especie.
Health & Welfare
A selective breeding program for giant freshwater prawns in China provides valuable information for the breeding of the species.
Innovation & Investment
La acuacultura es la "proteína ganadora," según un nuevo informe de Rabobank que su autor, Gorjan Nikolik, dijo pretende atraer a los clientes de la agroindustria del banco a oportunidades en el negocio de la acuacultura.
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture is the “winning protein,” according to a new Rabobank report that its author, Gorjan Nikolik, said is intended to draw the bank’s agro-industry clients to opportunities in the fish farming business.
Innovation & Investment
As global demand for food rises, the focus on water resources will intensify. In Berlin, a four-year research project is demonstrating the feasibility of aquaponics, which can drastically cut water inputs.
Health & Welfare
El siguiente paso para la cría de camarones será el desarrollo de animales que no sólo están libres de enfermedades, sino que son cada vez más resistentes a múltiples patógenos. La industria se está globalizando, con proveedores estableciéndose en el extranjero. Pero su lugar de nacimiento siempre será Hawaii.
Seafood companies are not only striving to become sustainable and environmentally friendly; they are grappling with social responsibility issues that grab international headlines and rightfully force all links of the supply chain to button up their operations and put human rights above all else.
Before the Global Aquaculture Alliance's annual GOAL conference in Guangzhou, China, GAA market development manager for the United Kingdom, Mike Berthet, collaborated with some local chefs to prepare some of China's favorite seafood species.
In a survey of more than 1,500 Chinese consumers, the authors studied their fresh food purchasing behavior and found food safety to be the top priority. These consumers are willing to pay more for safe, fresh food, and they’re paying attention to the details.
Innovation & Investment
Intensive pond aquaculture (IPA) technology, a floating, in-pond raceway system developed in the United States, is being adopted fast in China, just three years after its introduction, says Jim Zhang, aquaculture program manager for USSEC-China.
Innovation & Investment
This year’s GOAL conference will be held in China, birthplace of aquaculture. There’s no better place to discuss innovation, says Michael Tlusty, director of ocean sustainability science at the New England Aquarium, because fresh thinking defeats complacency.
Innovation & Investment
University of New England Professor Barry Costa-Pierce says aquaculture is often neglected in studies examining ocean health and ecosystem and resource management. The “Ocean Prosperity Roadmap” released this summer, he said, was more of the same.
Innovation & Investment
China, the world’s largest producer of farmed fish, represents a huge opportunity for the Global Aquaculture Alliance and its Best Aquaculture Practices certification scheme. GAA’s Steve Hart talks about the inroads the organization has already made and how he can leverage his background in the soy industry.
Turbot are typically fed diets containing 45 to 65 percent fishmeal. In a study that gave turbot feed with 40 percent soy protein concentrate, the fish had decent growth and excellent survival.