One ocean: At the intersection of green energy and a blue economy
To mitigate the impacts of climate change and bolster ocean health, research suggests turning to one of the planet’s powerful forces: The ocean itself.
Bioretur converts aquaculture waste, or sludge, into fertilizer as demand for “circular economy” technologies grows.
To mitigate the impacts of climate change and bolster ocean health, research suggests turning to one of the planet’s powerful forces: The ocean itself.
With sustainability and environmental protection becoming increasingly prominent in Chile, recycling firms like Greenspot are drawing attention.
NovoNutrients will join FEED-X, an initiative to transform the “sustainability performance” of value chains linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
MicroTERRA is a promising Mexico-based startup developing systems that use microalgae to turn fishpond wastewater into protein for fish feed.
A Norwegian fermentation technology firm utilizes volcanic matter to transform salmon waste, including feces and uneaten feed, into a high-protein powder.
Innovation & Investment
A new type of chitosan-based bioplastic, made from shellfish shells, emerges as a potential solution for global food waste and marine plastic pollution.
A research project from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, shows the potential of recycling nutrients from seafood processing waters back into the food chain.