Experts discuss climate change threats to aquaculture
How will climate change impact the aquaculture sector? Expert panelists discuss impacts to insurance and how data is driving decision-making.
Comprehensive review explores the negative and positive sides of climate change on aquaculture production, and implications for its sustainability.
How will climate change impact the aquaculture sector? Expert panelists discuss impacts to insurance and how data is driving decision-making.
The latest virtual GOAL conference session dissected the role of seafood production systems and how they perform in a changing climate.
Three environmental NGOs publish “Shifting Gears” report to push post-Brexit UK fisheries to address climate impacts.
A report from The Nature Conservancy shows restorative or regenerative aquaculture can benefit ecosystems, marine animal habitats and biodiversity.
To mitigate the impacts of climate change and bolster ocean health, research suggests turning to one of the planet’s powerful forces: The ocean itself.
Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions for global aquaculture indicated that the industry accounted for only 0.49 percent of anthropogenic GHG emissions in 2017.
Innovation & Investment
ScootScience, a data management, analytics and underwater forecasting company, is helping a B.C. salmon farmer mitigate the impacts of nature.
There is urgency to conversations about the role of blue food in mitigating climate change, increasing momentum toward some specific goals.
C-level seafood executives from around the world gathered at the North Atlantic Seafood Forum to discuss pressing issues facing fisheries and aquaculture.
Study of potential impact of observed climate change on the yields of 10 global crops show a likely 1 percent average reduction in consumable food calories.
Climate change, shifting incomes and evolving diets complicate the search for solutions to obesity and undernutrition in vulnerable populations.
Faroe Islands company believes nutritious and fast-growing seaweed is a versatile raw material and the oceans’ best defense against climate change.
Researchers based in California are urging the global aquaculture industry to take proactive measures to protect global food security in the face of climate change.
The Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition, an initiative of seven founding U.S. aquaculture farmers, last week launched a partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to spread public awareness about climate change and its impact on their businesses.
Oyster larvae producers say information sharing and perseverance are seeing them through a prolonged stretch of high larval-stage mortalities.