They sell shellfish shares by the seashore: A surge of oyster CSAs
During the pandemic, several U.S. shellfish farmers have found much-needed relief through community supported aquaculture programs, or CSAs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed seafood in mostly positive ways, according to a retail survey commissioned by the Global Seafood Alliance.
During the pandemic, several U.S. shellfish farmers have found much-needed relief through community supported aquaculture programs, or CSAs.
Lead author of a Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future study examines how seafood businesses and related institutions are responding to the pandemic.
Con la sostenibilidad y la protección ambiental cada vez más prominentes en Chile, las empresas de reciclaje como Greenspot están llamando la atención.
With sustainability and environmental protection becoming increasingly prominent in Chile, recycling firms like Greenspot are drawing attention.
Eight months into the pandemic, the gloom and doom has lightened and there’s hope in the air for the Pacific Northwest shellfish sector.
A pesar de los desafíos en curso, los productores de camarón de la India han logrado importantes avances en las tecnologías de criadero, engorde en granjas y fabricación de alimentos.
With the retail and foodservice sectors working collaboratively, the seafood industry plugged crucial protein supply gaps and grew demand for fish.
Ha sido un año difícil para la industria camaronera de Ecuador, que está luchando contra los bajos precios, los problemas de suministro a China, su principal mercado, y la pandemia de COVID-19.
Despite ongoing challenges, Indian shrimp farmers have achieved major developments in hatchery, farm grow-out and feed-manufacturing technologies.
It’s been a trying year for Ecuador’s shrimp industry, which is fighting low prices, supply issues to China – its top market – and the COVID-19 pandemic.
A poll of retailers commissioned by the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) finds a brighter future for the seafood industry in the wake of COVID-19.
Health & Welfare
Los investigadores – que ya mantienen cangrejos herradura en cautiverio para fines médicos –esperan que los sistemas de recirculación acuícola ayuden en sus esfuerzos de lucha contra el coronavirus.
Health & Welfare
Already housing horseshoe crabs for medical purposes, researchers hope recirculating aquaculture systems will aid their coronavirus-fighting efforts.
Innovation & Investment
U.K. prawn farms FloGro Fresh and Great British Prawns believe demand for trusthworthy, local food will carry them past the COVID-19 market disruption.
Innovation & Investment
Las herramientas de datos y los sistemas de alimentación operados a distancia son solo un par de formas en que la acuacultura está logrando distanciamiento social durante la pandemia de coronavirus.