Health & Welfare
Floating closed-containment aquaculture
Floating closed-containment systems incorporate low-pressure pumping, oxygen supplementation, solid-waste separation and efficient feed management.
While most marine aquaculture in Vietnam has been based on traditional small-scale cage operations in protected locations, the development of larger offshore cage systems could lead to industry expansion.
Health & Welfare
Floating closed-containment systems incorporate low-pressure pumping, oxygen supplementation, solid-waste separation and efficient feed management.
While Chile’s mussel industry has entered a growth phase, challenges remain, especially in the seed production and grow-out components. This contrasts with the well-developed nature of the country’s processing plants and marketing outlets.
While Bangladesh's prawn industry is based on pond culture, a feasibility study was conducted to establish prawn cage culture to benefit resource-poor fishers and landless people.
Health & Welfare
The effective control of tilapia health depends on integrated management that considers all factors, including species, the environment, pathogens present and farm management practices.
Turkey has many kilometers of coastline, but shellfish culture is developing slowly in the country. Only two bivalve farms producing mussels presently operate there. Mussel spat is collected naturally on the long line systems.
Health & Welfare
Measures can be taken to lessen or avoid the effects of disease outbreaks. Preventive measures are the most effective, although various vaccines can help limit the impacts of diseases and further decrease reliance on antibiotics.