Feeding fish in a challenging economic environment
Dr. D. Allen Davis leads an evaluation of potential scenarios and courses of action for feeding fish during disruptions to feed supplies and markets.
El Dr. D. Allen Davis dirige una evaluación de posibles escenarios y cursos de acción para alimentar a los peces durante las interrupciones en los suministros y mercados de alimentos.
Dr. D. Allen Davis leads an evaluation of potential scenarios and courses of action for feeding fish during disruptions to feed supplies and markets.
Una evaluación de alimentos comerciales los considera adecuados para lograr un crecimiento aceptable del camarón en condiciones de producción al aire libre, independientemente de la fuente de proteína.
An evaluation of commercial feeds finds them adequate to achieve acceptable shrimp growth in outdoor production conditions regardless of protein source.
Actualizando el protocolo de alimentación estándar de la Universidad de Auburn para camarones a una versión optimizada para alimentadores con temporizador, reconociendo el papel de la retroalimentación acústica.
Updating Auburn University’s standard feeding protocol for shrimp into an optimized version for timer-feeders, recognizing the role of acoustic feedback.
Tres años de pruebas demostraron claramente que el aumento de las alimentaciones diarias mediante el uso de sistemas de alimentación automatizados, una tecnología de transformación, puede aumentar significativamente la producción y el valor de L. vannamei producido en cultivo semi-intensivo en estanques.
Three years of testing clearly demonstrated that increasing daily feedings through the use of automated feeding systems – a transformational technology – can significantly increase the production and value of L. vannamei produced in semi-intensive pond culture.
Manufactured aquafeeds, if improperly managed, can result in undesirable oxygen demand that can reduce dissolved oxygen levels and pollution through effluents, and stress cultured animals.
A study found that feed for salmon and trout had higher organic carbon concentrations than did catfish, shrimp and tilapia feeds. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were similar among salmon, trout and shrimp feeds, and higher than those in catfish and tilapia feeds.
Health & Welfare
The authors have achieved good growth using a fishmeal-free diet for the carnivorous marine fish Florida pompano. In studies, they used pompano as a model marine species in a cost/benefit analysis of two extruded diets.
Health & Welfare
Taurine may not only improve growth and performance, but also is required to reduce nutritional diseases such as green liver disease and low hematocrit levels in some fish.
Health & Welfare
A study examined the replacement of poultry byproduct meal with plant proteins and low levels of squid meal in shrimp feeds. Production results for shrimp raised in ponds showed no significant difference in final weight, yield, FCR and survival among the four treatments with varied levels of poultry meal.
In a white shrimp farm trial in a low-salinity environment, alternatives to fishmeal did not negatively impact the growth, survival or FCR of the shrimp.
Shrimp farm trials demonstrated the feasibility of fishmeal replacement with soybean and corn gluten meal with little adverse effect on production performance.
Health & Welfare
A study of Nile tilapia provided feed with varying dietary lipid sources found that fish fed a diet with beef tallow exhibited poorer survival and growth performance than fish fed diets with plant oils, fish oil, or combinations of oils and tallow.