Plant proteins effectively replace fishmeal in shrimp feed trial
A commercial-scale shrimp feed trial demonstrated that soybean meal and corn gluten meal are effective protein alternatives to fishmeal in shrimp feeds.
Health & Welfare
Trials indicated that in order to determine methionine and TSAA requirements for shrimp, methionine must be added to research feeds in either a chelated or covalently bound form.
A commercial-scale shrimp feed trial demonstrated that soybean meal and corn gluten meal are effective protein alternatives to fishmeal in shrimp feeds.
Health & Welfare
Despite research challenges, ongoing work on phytase supplementation in shrimp is striving to enhance shrimp feed performance in similar ways.
Underfeeding can slow growth rates and overfeeding adversely affects water quality so it is critical to adjust feeding rates to meet actual demands of shrimp.
Health & Welfare
Penaeid shrimp need the same nutrients required by all animals, including protein, lipids, energy sources, vitamins, minerals, oxygen and water.
Health & Welfare
Numerous environmental, social and economic advantages support the expansion of euryhaline shrimp and fish production away from coastal environments.
Health & Welfare
A nursery phase is a significant management strategy for many shrimp farmers in tropical regions and is becoming standard practice in subtropical regions.
Health & Welfare
In an experiment in which tilapia were sorted by size and reared separately, large individuals maintained their size advantage after eight weeks of culture.
Yellowtail snappers produce small larvae that are a challenge to rear. Initial protocols have resulted in survival of only 3 percent from egg to juvenile.
Given the finite supply of fishmeal and other marine protein sources, alternative ingredients are needed to replace fishmeal for production diets for marine fish.
To control costs with feed efficiency, it is desirable to minimize the protein percentage, but reductions should not compromise shrimp performance.