
Trace minerals in tilapia fillets, part 2

In part 2 of this study, a seven-week fish feeding trial was conducted to study the influence of organic versus inorganic dietary selenium on Nile tilapia. 

Producción de tilapia enriquecida con omega-3 a través de dieta de harina de algas o aceite de pescado
Article image for Producción de tilapia enriquecida con omega-3 a través de dieta de harina de algas o aceite de pescado


Producción de tilapia enriquecida con omega-3 a través de dieta de harina de algas o aceite de pescado

Este estudio evaluó el efecto de las dietas suplementadas con aceite de pescado y harina de algas para el enriquecimiento de LC-PUFA en tilapia juvenil del Nilo. Las dietas experimentales son prometedoras como una opción viable para enriquecer el contenido de omega-3 en los filetes de tilapia. 

Human enteric viruses in shellfish, part 2
Article image for Human enteric viruses in shellfish, part 2


Human enteric viruses in shellfish, part 2

Since bivalve shellfish filter large volumes of water to feed, they can accumulate and concentrate bacteria and viruses from various pollution sources. Among enteric viruses, noroviruses are the leading cause of gastroenteritis in humans who consume affected shellfish. Current wastewater treatments fail to enZsure the complete removal of viral pathogens that can be discharged into fresh, marine and estuarine waters and therefore contaminate shellfish-growing waters. The detection of noroviruses in food relies on molecular techniques.