Health & Welfare
PCR testing of single-tissue samples can result in misleading data
A RT-qPCR study on shrimp with GAV infections showed infection loads could differ among different gill filaments and pleopods from the same shrimp.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio de RT-qPCR en camarón con infecciones por GAV mostró que las cargas de infección podrían diferir entre diferentes filamentos branquiales y pleópodos del mismo camarón.
Health & Welfare
A RT-qPCR study on shrimp with GAV infections showed infection loads could differ among different gill filaments and pleopods from the same shrimp.
Health & Welfare
This article presents the results of a study using environmental DNA methodology for the early detection and quantification of various pathogens in farmed barramundi, where the technique showed to be a powerful and novel tool to predict fish mortalities.
Innovation & Investment
El camarón tigre negro es la segunda especie de camarón cultivado a nivel mundial. Debido a su importancia en Australia, el nuevo Centro ARC para Reproducción Avanzada de Camarones desarrollará un programa de cría escalable y avanzado para la especie, y llevará su conocimiento genético a un nivel comparable al de la ganadería.
Innovation & Investment
The black tiger shrimp is the second most important, farmed shrimp species globally. Because of its importance in Australia, the new ARC Hub for Advanced Prawn Breeding will develop a scalable, advanced breeding program for the species as well as bring its genetic knowledge to a level comparable to that of livestock.