Understanding the oxygen demand of aquafeeds
Manufactured aquafeeds, if improperly managed, can result in undesirable oxygen demand that can reduce dissolved oxygen levels and pollution through effluents, and stress cultured animals.
In his latest article, Professor Boyd discusses various aspects of the origin and decomposition of organic matter in various aquaculture systems.
Manufactured aquafeeds, if improperly managed, can result in undesirable oxygen demand that can reduce dissolved oxygen levels and pollution through effluents, and stress cultured animals.
Health & Welfare
Los estanques acuícolas acumulan materia orgánica de fertilizantes orgánicos, restos de micro-organismos producidos dentro del estanque, las heces de los animales criados y el alimento no-consumido. Claude E. Boyd, Ph.D., detalla las principales prácticas de gestión de la materia orgánica, y dice que frecuentemente la acumulación de materia orgánica no es tan grande como se creía.
Health & Welfare
Aquaculture ponds accumulate organic matter from organic fertilizer, remains of microorganisms produced within the pond, feces of the culture animals and uneaten feed. Claude E. Boyd, Ph.D., details the leading organic matter management practices, and says that the accumulation of organic matter is often not as great as believed.
Carbon-nitrogen (C:N) ratio is an important variable related to soil fertility. Intensive ponds have lower C:N ratios, while higher ratios are found in extensive ponds and those constructed in organic soil.