Health & Welfare
Calling for a National Broodstock Improvement Network
A National Broodstock Improvement Network for aquaculture could help to break the link between inbreeding and hatchery size.
Innovation & Investment
Fenneropenaeus chinensis was the most important farmed shrimp species in China until 1995. Lessons learned from its development made China a pioneer, especially in shrimp larval production. Shrimp farmers must enhance their understanding of the interactions of farming activities with their ecosystems.
Health & Welfare
A National Broodstock Improvement Network for aquaculture could help to break the link between inbreeding and hatchery size.
Health & Welfare
Disease problems on shrimp farms may be partly driven by an interaction between management practices that cause inbreeding in small hatcheries and the amplification by inbreeding of susceptibility to disease and environmental stresses.
Health & Welfare
The development of polymerase chain reaction testing to detect the bacteria that cause EMS is important, but confirmation by bioassay of presumptive positives to ensure pathogenicity is a prudent intermediate step.
Despite global strategies and political declarations that strive to support healthy diets with increased seafood consumption and regular physical activity, the world is seeing a rapid upsurge in obesity and under-nutrition, particularly in urban settings.
Health & Welfare
Giant clams are a resource utilized by the food and aquarium trade markets. However, aquaculture production is low and does not supply the demand. Ready availability of broodstock and seed is a major problem, as well as practical and consistent methods for inducing spawning.
Innovation & Investment
Innovations in key technologies have contributed to productivity growth in salmon farming. Manual production tasks have been automated, while improvements in feed and disease management also increase efficiency.
Health & Welfare
A five-year project was undertaken in Brunei Darussalam to develop advanced technology for the production of large black tiger shrimp. A combination of technologies has enabled efficient production of large-sized black tiger shrimp, which could lead to a resurgence of this species in Asia.
Health & Welfare
Oral vaccination can be done with virtually all fish sizes and is a relatively stress-free and inexpensive approach. The authors developed a novel oral vaccine delivery system that was found effective against infectious salmon anemia and salmonid rickettsial septicemia at salmon farms in Chile.
Health & Welfare
A study evaluated the effects of two organic acid blends on performance, gut health and disease resistance in olive flounder. The dietary organic acids were effective in lowering total gut bacterial counts, gut Vibrio counts and in conferring resistance against Edwardsiella tarda.
Health & Welfare
Those charged with determining the underlying cause of a disease outbreak have a wide variety of detective tools at their disposal.
Health & Welfare
The emerging disease Early Mortality Syndrome has caused large losses among shrimp farmers. EMS is characterized by mass mortalities during the first 30 days of culture.
Health & Welfare
Sustainable development of China's tilapia industry depends largely on the market prices of products, disease control, climate and seed availability.
Health & Welfare
Key to avoiding the cyclical rise and fall of production and prices is the move toward controlled reproduction of shrimp to perform within the structure chosen, whether that is disease coping or disease avoidance.
Health & Welfare
The slipping shrimp production in Southeast Asia due to disease has a number of causes. Emerging viral diseases take a toll, as do bacterial diseases caused by vibrios and other pathogens.
Health & Welfare
Assessing disease risk at an aquaculture facility allows the anticipation of possible outbreaks and subsequent production losses. It can also help to identify weaknesses of the production system.