Treatment of shrimp hatchery effluents
Shrimp hatcheries are highly dependent on continuous availability of clean water and proper treatment of effluents using sedimentation and biofiltration.
Algica, an algae-based product created from nutrients exiting recirculating aquaculture systems, has the company poised to upscale production.
Shrimp hatcheries are highly dependent on continuous availability of clean water and proper treatment of effluents using sedimentation and biofiltration.
Pond water level management can reduce overflow volume and ground water use. Implementing BMPs reduces pollutant discharge.
In general, lower-intensity pond and cage farming tends to discharge higher overall pollution loads in farm effluents than closed aquaculture systems.
Research has shown that microbial mats are effective at removing nitrogen and phosphorus from aquaculture effluents.
Where aquaculture is key to food or employment, policies regarding effluent management should be flexible to address various species, systems and environments.
A major environmental concern related to shrimp aquaculture is the potential water pollution from the release of effluent into water bodies.
The history of how aquaculture's connection to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System of the Clean Water Act is an interesting topic.
GAA's Responsible Aquaculture Program requires shrimp farmers to install certain practices, keep records on activities and satisfy effluent water quality standards.
Settling basins seem to be the only practical means of treating effluents released during harvest at small or large shrimp farms.
This paper reports on the use of a constructed saltwater wetland system to treat effluent from a pilot facility consisting of four 2-ha ponds.
A major environmental consideration in shrimp farming is the negative impacts of pond effluents on coastal water quality.