SME controls help produce high-quality shrimp feed
Extruded pellets with high water stability can be produced without artificial binders by controlling the specific mechanical energy, or SME controls.
Shrimp feeds manufactured through the extrusion process can be produced with target quality attributes in a shorter time, thus improving feed production efficiencies.
Extruded pellets with high water stability can be produced without artificial binders by controlling the specific mechanical energy, or SME controls.
During the aquafeed manufacturing process, preconditioning increases the moisture content and temperature of feed meal particles.
Health & Welfare
Important points for aquafarmers to consider to minimize antimicrobial resistance and maximize efficacy when using antibiotics.
In the aquaculture industry, extruders have been used to produce a great variety of products, but today most of these feeds fall into the sinking or floating categories.
The mixing process is the heart of aquatic feed manufacturing. All the ingredients of a formula designed for the target animal are put together.
The first processing step in the production of shrimp feeds is the grinding of ingredients for a formula, either individually or as a group.
High-quality aquatic feed manufacturing depends on accurate definition of nutrition requirements, selection of quality ingredients and proper methods.