Veramaris runs away with F3 oil-alternative contest
The DSM-Evonik joint venture won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge by a wide margin. CEO Karim Kurmaly talks about the “sacrifice” his team made to win.
Kevin Fitzsimmons, leader of the F3 (fish-free feed) Challenge, says aquaculture may currently depend on fishmeal and fish oil, but farmed fish do not.
The DSM-Evonik joint venture won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge by a wide margin. CEO Karim Kurmaly talks about the “sacrifice” his team made to win.
The third marine-ingredient-free feed contest launches today with an eye on carnivorous species, which face scrutiny for their dependence on fishmeal and fish oil.
Qualitas Health, que cultiva algas en estanques en Nuevo México y Texas para suplementos humanos, está ingresando al mercado de ingredientes de alimentos acuícolas alternativos.
Qualitas Health, which grows algae in ponds in New Mexico and Texas for human supplements, is entering the alternative aquafeed ingredient market.
¿Cómo puede la investigación interesante y valiosa sobre ingredientes de alimentos alternativos pasar del banco de laboratorio a los estómagos de los consumidores a través de mecanismos de mercado?
How can the interesting and valuable research on alternate feed ingredients get from the laboratory bench to consumers’ bellies through market mechanisms?
At the F3 (fish-free feed) Companies Got Talent event in Burlingame, Calif., last week, alternative (non-marine) aquafeed ingredient companies spoke of decoupling aquaculture from fishmeal and fish oil in their quest for greater sustainability.
La iniciativa Futuro del Alimento para Peces (F3) tiene como objetivo impulsar la innovación en términos de sustitutos viables sin pescado para el aceite de pescado a través del Desafío Mundial de Aceite de Pescado F3.
The Future of Fish Feed (F3) initiative aims to jumpstart innovation in terms of viable fish-free substitutes to fish oil through the global F3 Fish Oil Challenge.
Para posicionar la acuacultura para el crecimiento futuro, necesita herramientas para evaluar un espectro creciente de ingredientes alternativos y dietas formuladas diseñadas para optimizar la salud y la producción eficiente de los peces.
To position aquaculture for future growth, it needs tools to evaluate a growing spectrum of alternative ingredients and formulated diets designed to optimize fish health and efficient production.
The inaugural F3 Challenge sought to drive innovation in the aquafeed sector and reduce aquaculture's reliance on marine ingredients like fishmeal and fish oil.
What started out as a simple yet ambitious contest to drive innovation in the aquafeed sector has evolved into a fully global competition – and collaboration – amongst ingredient suppliers and feed manufacturers.
A competition designed to drive innovation in aquafeeds has doubled its original funding goal and has attracted some of the biggest names in fish feed. F3 has also served as a catalyst for collaboration among feed manufacturers and ingredient suppliers.
In an opinion piece for the Advocate, the director of ocean sustainability science at the New England Aquarium talks about the F3 Challenge and what the first X Prize for aquaculture could do for the industry: drive innovation.