Innovation & Investment
Poniendo a la vista la acuacultura Australiana
La acuacultura Australiana recibe atención necesaria más tarde este mes, cuando Fish 2.0 organiza un taller regional centrado en la innovación y la inversión en Melbourne.
Innovation & Investment
Nearly 40 entrepreneurs took the stage to pitch their seafood industry-changing innovations in front of a room full of discriminating investors.
Innovation & Investment
La acuacultura Australiana recibe atención necesaria más tarde este mes, cuando Fish 2.0 organiza un taller regional centrado en la innovación y la inversión en Melbourne.
Innovation & Investment
Australian aquaculture gets some needed attention later this month when Fish 2.0 holds a regional workshop focused on innovation and investment in Melbourne.
Innovation & Investment
Sara Rademaker lanzó American Unagi para cambiar la cría de anguilas a suelo estadounidense, de donde provienen las anguilas. ¿Por qué? Debido a la novedad, y porque ella vio la oportunidad de hacer las cosas mejor.
Innovation & Investment
Sara Rademaker launched American Unagi to shift eel farming to American soil, where the eels are from. Why? Because of the novelty, and because she saw an opportunity to do things better.
Innovation & Investment
North Carolina company Shellbond seeks to commercialize a creative product made from shells, believing it could transform oyster farming.
Biotechnology firm NovoNutrients aims to produce a line of nutraceutical aquafeed additives as well as a bulk feed ingredient that can supplement fishmeal. Its process includes feeding carbon dioxide from industrial gas to a “microbial consortium” starring hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria.
Panacea Oyster Co-op y Pensacola Bay Oyster Co. cada una aspiran a abrir criaderos de ostras en Florida, lo que podría tener un impacto significativo en la industria acuícola del estado.
Panacea Oyster Co-op and Pensacola Bay Oyster Co. each aim to open dedicated oyster hatcheries in Florida, which could have a significant impact on the state’s aquaculture industry.
Health & Welfare
Una vacuna oral administrada a través de alimento para peces para defenderse contra la necrosis nerviosa viral podría estar lista para el mercado pronto si todo va según el plan para el arranque de VakSea.
Health & Welfare
An oral vaccine delivered via fish feed to defend against Viral Nervous Necrosis could be ready for market soon if everything goes according to plan for startup VakSea.
When Real Oyster Cult walked off with a $5,000 prize at Fish 2.0, it was solid affirmation that its online oyster commerce concept is on track for success.
Innovation & Investment
Biannual conference/competition showcased 40 new seafood businesses, or related services, from around the world. Winners were chosen on the strength of the opportunity, meaningful impact and compelling leadership and presentation.
Innovation & Investment
The third installment of Fish 2.0, taking place this November, will feature numerous aquaculture-related businesses at various stages of development. The competition’s founder dishes on what the judges will be seeing on stage.
Los últimos premios Champions of Change (Campeones de Cambio) celebraron el trabajo de los responsables del cambio en los productos de mar sostenibles, desde los chefs hasta los pescadores y los defensores de la acuacultura. Con la innovación y la perseverancia, la industria pronto podrá alcanzar su vasto potencial.
Throughout the United States, a handful of aquaculture entrepreneurs are farming shrimp in indoor facilities. Selling their product is not the problem – securing funds to grow to commercial scale is. Start-ups and established farms share their tales of trial and error and why, against the odds, they’re sticking to it.