Health & Welfare
Rearing diets for winter flounder optimize weaning success in hatchery, wild
In hatchery feeding trials, winter flounder juveniles reared on white worms grew the most, while pellet-reared fish had the lowest growth and survival.
Health & Welfare
Acclimation cages, the most implemented conditioning strategy for flatfish, are inexpensive and effective, but require site-specific adjustment. Live or lifelike diets show great potential in rearing stocked flatfish.
Health & Welfare
In hatchery feeding trials, winter flounder juveniles reared on white worms grew the most, while pellet-reared fish had the lowest growth and survival.
Work on the reproduction and larval rearing of southern Brazilian flounder supports the feasibility of flounder culture. Further research will improve weaning and grow-out techniques for the species.
A model designed at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington examines the profitability of summer flounder aquaculture using recirculating systems.