
The keys to making land-based and offshore aquaculture work? Scale, scale, scale

GOAL delegates heard that the biggest opportunity for land-based and offshore aquaculture is to scale production and increase seafood supplies. 

Pesquerías y acuacultura: Actividades hermanas con una meta común
Article image for Pesquerías y acuacultura: Actividades hermanas con una meta común


Pesquerías y acuacultura: Actividades hermanas con una meta común

La acuacultura y la pesca — aunque significativamente diferentes pues una agricultura y la otra es cacería — son actividades relacionadas muy de cerca que comparten muchos componentes de sus cadenas de valor, incluyendo sus mercados y clientes. Ambas tienen muy importantes, crecientes funciones globales que desempeñar en la seguridad alimentaria en las próximas décadas. 

Is the seafood story that complicated?
Article image for Is the seafood story that complicated?


Is the seafood story that complicated?

The United States Food and Drug Administration has updated its advice for pregnant women on mercury and seafood with greater emphasis on the benefits of eating fish. This is a positive story, but reporting on the new perspective muddied its message with opinion and innuendo. Let us all find the way to continue to promote aquaculture’s healthy, renewable products in ways that keep the stories simple, so the messages are not lost on the journey to consumers.