Health & Welfare
Stirling researchers identify viable ablation alternatives for shrimp hatcheries
A research project aimed at improving shrimp hatcheries’ welfare practices shows there is a viable alternative to a common spawn-inducing technique.
Fisheries improvements projects (FIPs) are an important mechanism for bettering South East Asian fisheries that supply into the aquafeed industry, a new report finds.
Health & Welfare
A research project aimed at improving shrimp hatcheries’ welfare practices shows there is a viable alternative to a common spawn-inducing technique.
Innovation & Investment
Under pressure for environmental impacts during its expansion in the 1990s, shrimp producers and marketplace representatives formed the Global Aquaculture Alliance to hold their industry to higher standards.
Innovation & Investment
A timeline of key milestones and achievements by the Global Aquaculture Alliance and its third-party aquaculture certification scheme, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP).
The SeaWeb Seafood Summit, held June 5-7 in Seattle, Wash., convenes seafood industry executives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and ocean advocates from all over the world.
Health & Welfare
La remoción del tallo o pedúnculo ocular de camarones hembras reproductoras ha ayudado en el crecimiento explosivo de la acuacultura a escala comercial. Un compromiso de un productor de camarones de América Central ha demostrado que la producción de camarones sin ablación puede aliviar las preocupaciones de bienestar animal sin la temida caída en la producción.
Health & Welfare
Removing the eyestalk of broodstock female shrimp aided in the explosive growth of commercial-scale aquaculture. An undertaking by a Central American shrimp farmer has shown that producing shrimp without ablation can ease animal welfare worries without the feared drop in production.
James Anderson delivered a data-rich survey on global shrimp and finfish production volumes for the Global Aquaculture Alliance at its GOAL conference in October. See the full video of his presentation.
Innovation & Investment
The Global Aquaculture Alliance will honor seafood procurement expert Bill Herzig with a Lifetime Achievement Award during its annual GOAL conference. He talked to the Advocate about top-to-bottom commitment to sustainability and the ambitious lobster aquaculture project he spearheaded in Malaysia with Darden Restaurants.
Innovation & Investment
The husband-and-wife team of Bill and Betty More has earned admiration and respect in many parts of the world for their many decades of work in aquaculture and sustainability certification. SIRF has established a living memorial in their name.
Innovation & Investment
China, the world’s largest producer of farmed fish, represents a huge opportunity for the Global Aquaculture Alliance and its Best Aquaculture Practices certification scheme. GAA’s Steve Hart talks about the inroads the organization has already made and how he can leverage his background in the soy industry.
In line with the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s mission to advocate, educate and demonstrate responsible aquaculture worldwide, the Advocate is a forum for information and insight into one of the world’s most important and fastest-growing industries.