GOAL 2019: Global finfish production review and forecast
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Los datos de la encuesta anual de producción GOAL de la Alianza Global de Acuacultura muestran que la producción de peces marinos cultivados aumentó un 73 por ciento de 2009 a 2019.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL production survey data shows that farmed marine finfish production increased 73 percent from 2009 to 2019.
Shrikumar Suryanarayan delivers his PechaKucha presentation at the Global Aquaculture Alliance's annual GOAL conference, held this year in Chennai, India.
Nuestra encuesta de la producción mundial de camarones mostró signos de recuperación reciente, lo que resultó en una tasa compuesta anual de 2.2 por ciento para el período 2012 a 2017.
Our production survey for global shrimp farming production showed signs of recent recovery, resulting in a CAGR of 2.2 percent for the period 2012 to 2017.
Durante mucho tiempo un líder mundial en la producción de peces de cultivo, India se ha convertido en una potencia acuícola. ¿Puede su sector de camarones en expansión mantener el ritmo rápido?
The Global Aquaculture Alliance held its GOAL conference in Chennai, India, and recruited a host of experts in various fields to share their expertise.
The DSM-Evonik joint venture won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge by a wide margin. CEO Karim Kurmaly talks about the “sacrifice” his team made to win.
Long a global leader in farmed fish production, India has transitioned into an aquaculture powerhouse. Can its expanding shrimp sector keep the rapid pace?