Haiti’s hatchery of hope
Built on a dream of feeding some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, a charity-built tilapia hatchery in Haiti now learns to stand on its own.
Construido sobre el sueño de alimentar a algunas de las personas más pobres y vulnerables del mundo, un criadero de tilapia construido en una organización benéfica en Haití ahora aprende a valerse por sí solo.
Built on a dream of feeding some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, a charity-built tilapia hatchery in Haiti now learns to stand on its own.
Two New England shellfish producers are furthering their innovative social license initiatives, both in their hometowns and in food-insecure regions overseas. Island Creek Oysters and Matunuck Oyster Farm have become admirable aquaculture ambassadors.