The promise of In-Pond Raceway Systems, part 2
In-Pond Raceway System technology, developed at Auburn University, continues to evolve with improvements in design, construction and more efficient operation.
Health & Welfare
This study examined differences in fish performance and water quality dynamics between biofloc, clear water and hybrid systems as nurseries for tilapia.
In-Pond Raceway System technology, developed at Auburn University, continues to evolve with improvements in design, construction and more efficient operation.
Health & Welfare
Anecdotal information has suggested that pond-reared hybrid striped bass are more vulnerable to transportation-related stressors than cage-reared fish. Study results suggested that accumulation of carbon dioxide and decreasing pH levels may contribute to this phenomenon. Agitation during simulated transport mitigated the carbon dioxide accumulation and stabilized pH, but shifted the total ammonia nitrogen equilibrium in favor of un-ionized ammonia nitrogen.Ultimately, the agitators did not substantially attenuate the stress responses observed in the fish.
Health & Welfare
Collaborative work at Great Southern Waters has established a closed, genetically diverse breeding population of hybrid abalone. The breeding strategy is to produce and improve commercial stocks with the required hybrid traits by understanding the inheritance of those traits in the pure species and the hybrids.
Health & Welfare
In Brazil, shrimp hybrids – crosses of imported specific pathogen-free lines and a genetically improved and locally adapted line – outperform their parents.