Innovation & Investment
The coronavirus pandemic’s influence on aquaculture priorities
There are lessons to be learned for aquaculture amid the coronavirus pandemic that's impacting life and business at every level. We explore a few perspectives.
Hay lecciones que aprender para la acuacultura en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus que está impactando la vida y los negocios en todos los niveles. Exploramos algunas perspectivas.
Innovation & Investment
There are lessons to be learned for aquaculture amid the coronavirus pandemic that's impacting life and business at every level. We explore a few perspectives.
La certificación de grupo puede agilizar el proceso de auditoría, ahorrando tiempo y dinero a los productores mientras mejora las condiciones económicas para todos los participantes. También tiene el potencial de causar desavenencias entre los competidores.
Group certification can streamline the auditing process, saving farmers time and money while improving economic conditions for all participants. It also has the potential to cause rifts among competitors.
Innovation & Investment
IDH Vietnam Manager Flavio Corsin speaks passionately about the importance of controlling disease and getting all stakeholders to put competition aside and pull on the same end of the rope. Improvement initiatives for pangasius, shrimp and tilapia are among the Dutch sustainable trade organization’s priorities.
Innovation & Investment
A handful of deep-pocketed philanthropic foundations hold tremendous influence on marine conservation organizations and, by extension, the seafood supply chain. At GOAL, a Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative director will challenge them to engage with the aquaculture industry, not solely fisheries.