Wrestling with a ‘generational’ problem, Thai shrimp industry rates higher
When Seafood Watch awarded Thai shrimp a yellow or “good alternative” rating, it recognized a decade of improvements. Some feel it didn’t go far enough.
A look at three aquaculture companies that are figuring out how to solve their production problems by using solar power in innovative ways.
When Seafood Watch awarded Thai shrimp a yellow or “good alternative” rating, it recognized a decade of improvements. Some feel it didn’t go far enough.
MicroTERRA es una prometedora empresa emergente desarrollando sistemas que utilizan microalgas para convertir aguas residuales de estanques de peces en proteínas para alimentos de peces.
MicroTERRA is a promising Mexico-based startup developing systems that use microalgae to turn fishpond wastewater into protein for fish feed.
A medida que los líderes empresariales cambian su enfoque de los biocombustibles y la energía a la seguridad alimentaria, un creyente convertido llama la oportunidad de los alimentos acuícolas como un necesario "redespliegue" de conocimiento.
Innovation & Investment
As business leaders switch focus from biofuels and energy to food security, one convert dubs the aquafeed opportunity a needed “redeployment” of knowledge.
Innovation & Investment
El Sistema de Energía y Agricultura de Agua de Mar en la Universidad Khalifa en Masdar City, EAU, está aplicando conceptos de acuacultura a la producción de biocombustibles para las aerolíneas.
Innovation & Investment
The Seawater Energy and Agriculture System at Khalifa University in Masdar City, UAE, is applying aquaculture concepts to biofuel production for airlines.
Researchers in Australia are experimenting with a biological control for warmer climates: a parasite-eating shrimp popular with aquarium enthusiasts.
Innovation & Investment
Las empresas que cultivan carne en los laboratorios deben superar los desafíos, incluidos los costos, la regulación y la aceptación del consumidor. Los defensores creen que hay un lugar en el mercado para la carne de pescado cultivada en laboratorio.
Innovation & Investment
Companies growing meat in laboratories need to overcome challenges including cost, regulation and consumer acceptance. Proponents believe there’s a place in the market for lab-grown fish meat.
Health & Welfare
Una nueva generación de tecnología, PCR portátil, ofrece potencial para un diagnóstico al lado de los estanques asequible e inmediato en kits de mano fáciles de usar. Pero, ¿estará a la altura del despliegue publicitario?
Health & Welfare
A new generation of technology, portable PCR, offers potential for affordable, immediate, pondside diagnosis in easy-to-use handheld kits. But will it live up to the hype?
Health & Welfare
The next step for shrimp breeding will be developing animals that aren’t just disease-free, but increasingly resistant to multiple pathogens. The industry is globalizing, with suppliers setting up shop overseas. But its birthplace will always be Hawaii.
Boasting ample areas for aquaculture and a robust domestic demand for seafood – not to mention its close proximity to the U.S. market – a land of opportunity lies in Mexico. Fish farming is primed to meet its potential south of the border.
When one of California’s oldest oyster farms was shut down amid reports that it was degrading the environment, local observers took notice. Two years later, the case is still far from closed in the eyes of the farm’s supporters and its critics.