First trial growing vaccinated Nile tilapia in IPRS in Colombia
A study was conducted to evaluate the production of tilapia juveniles vaccinated against Streptococcus agalactiae type B in IPRS raceways.
Study assesses in-pond raceway systems to produce Nile tilapia fed with a diet including U.S. soybean meal under intensive production conditions.
A study was conducted to evaluate the production of tilapia juveniles vaccinated against Streptococcus agalactiae type B in IPRS raceways.
In-pond raceway systems have potential to improve farmed fish production in Pakistan. Production of grass carps, rohu carps and tilapia is being tested.
This demonstration project featuring in-pond raceway system technology in one raceway at a commercial red tilapia farm in Honduras showed the potential for increasing production with no water exchange.
Health & Welfare
Results of a demonstration project of the In-Pond Raceway System (IPRS) technology in seven tilapia raceways at a commercial farm in Mexico showed the potential for increasing fish production with this environmentally sustainable culture system.
An in-pond raceway system in Alabama was utilized to supply various niche markets, including Asian grocery store chains that desired fresh live fish, recreational pond stocking businesses, private pond owners and fee fishing operations. In many cases, a higher price was achieved.