How India became the world’s top shrimp producer
Despite ongoing challenges, Indian shrimp farmers have achieved major developments in hatchery, farm grow-out and feed-manufacturing technologies.
A pesar de los desafíos en curso, los productores de camarón de la India han logrado importantes avances en las tecnologías de criadero, engorde en granjas y fabricación de alimentos.
Despite ongoing challenges, Indian shrimp farmers have achieved major developments in hatchery, farm grow-out and feed-manufacturing technologies.
A look at trends in various segments of the shrimp production supply chain in India – hatcheries, farms, feeds and exports – amid COVID-19 restrictions.
Rajamanohar Somasundarama delivers his PechaKucha presentation at the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL conference, held this year in Chennai, India.
Shrikumar Suryanarayan delivers his PechaKucha presentation at the Global Aquaculture Alliance's annual GOAL conference, held this year in Chennai, India.
Aditya Dash delivers his "Powered by PechaKucha" presentation at the Global Aquaculture Alliance's annual GOAL conference, held this year in Chennai, India.
India es el segundo mayor productor de peces de agua dulce cultivados, con potencial para un mayor desarrollo a medida que se adoptan nuevas especies y sistemas de producción.
Durante mucho tiempo un líder mundial en la producción de peces de cultivo, India se ha convertido en una potencia acuícola. ¿Puede su sector de camarones en expansión mantener el ritmo rápido?
India is the second-largest producer of farmed freshwater fish with potential for further development as new species and production systems are adopted.
Long a global leader in farmed fish production, India has transitioned into an aquaculture powerhouse. Can its expanding shrimp sector keep the rapid pace?
The successful development of aquaculture for shrimp, carp and other species in inland areas waterlogged with saline waters in the State of Punjab, India, shows the potential for this activity in the 1.2 million hectares of these areas in northern India.
El Foro del Camarón regresó al SENA con información sobre las innovaciones en la producción, la amenaza de la resistencia antimicrobiana, un enfoque de mercadeo unificado y un pronóstico de la India.
The Shrimp Forum returned to SENA with insights into innovations in production, the threat of antimicrobial resistance, a unified marketing approach and a forecast from India.
Innovation & Investment
Un empresario de tecnología en serie y un comerciante de camarón quieren ser Amazon para la industria de cultivo de camarón de la India. Un programa de aceleración a medio mundo de distancia los ha acercado a sus objetivos.
Innovation & Investment
A serial tech entrepreneur and a shrimp trader want to be Amazon for India’s shrimp farming industry. An accelerator program half a world away has brought them closer to their goals.
Health & Welfare
In this third and final part, authors present recommendations to help reduce the incidence of Zoea-2 Syndrome, which is not caused by any known infectious agents in P. vannamei hatcheries in India.