Innovation & Investment
Fish sorting technology firm aims to modernize farms
With a novel in-water sorting technology in the works, Agam says automating labor-intensive tasks on fish farms can improve accuracy and harvest yield.
Health & Welfare
Israeli companies ViAqua Therapeutics and TransAlgae say their orally administered medicines for shrimp and fish aquaculture are in the pipeline.
Innovation & Investment
With a novel in-water sorting technology in the works, Agam says automating labor-intensive tasks on fish farms can improve accuracy and harvest yield.
Health & Welfare
Se ha iniciado un esfuerzo internacional de investigación para encontrar una solución para el Virus del Lago de Tilapia (TiLV), un contagio que causa altas tasas de mortalidad en poblaciones de tilapia cultivada y silvestre en Israel, Colombia, Ecuador, Egipto y Tailandia.
Health & Welfare
An international research effort has commenced to find a solution for Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV), a contagion causing high rates of mortality in farmed and wild tilapia stocks in Israel, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt and Thailand.
Innovation & Investment
Land-based aquaculture, perhaps the ultimate environmental risk-mitigation tool, was the talk of the town at the IntraFish Seafood Investor Forum. Once scoffed at for high capital and energy requirements, RAS now has a crowded bandwagon.
A growth trial using hatchery-reared grouper was carried out to study the effects of stocking density on feed intake and subsequent growth. Contrary to common perceptions, fish stocked at the highest density had higher feed intake and body weights.