Documentary to depict ‘what we should demand’ from aquaculture
Dutch team behind “Aquaculture Pioneers” aims to portray cutting-edge fish farming around the world when it is released in 2021.
Los fabricantes de alimentos acuícolas de todo el mundo que buscan alternativas a la harina de pescado pronto podrán recurrir a un cultivo abundante y subutilizado: la cebada.
Dutch team behind “Aquaculture Pioneers” aims to portray cutting-edge fish farming around the world when it is released in 2021.
Aquafeed manufacturers around the world seeking alternatives to fishmeal may soon be able to turn to an abundant and underutilized crop: barley.
Innovation & Investment
Nearly 40 entrepreneurs took the stage to pitch their seafood industry-changing innovations in front of a room full of discriminating investors.
Durante mucho tiempo un líder mundial en la producción de peces de cultivo, India se ha convertido en una potencia acuícola. ¿Puede su sector de camarones en expansión mantener el ritmo rápido?
The Global Aquaculture Alliance held its GOAL conference in Chennai, India, and recruited a host of experts in various fields to share their expertise.
The DSM-Evonik joint venture won the F3 Fish Oil Challenge by a wide margin. CEO Karim Kurmaly talks about the “sacrifice” his team made to win.
Long a global leader in farmed fish production, India has transitioned into an aquaculture powerhouse. Can its expanding shrimp sector keep the rapid pace?
El Consejo de Exportación de Soya de EE. UU. explora las oportunidades de exportación en el África subsahariana, y descubre que la región tiene "mucho potencial" para el crecimiento de la acuacultura.
The U.S. Soybean Export Council explores export opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa, finding the region holds “much potential” for aquaculture growth.
Innovation & Investment
Global Aquaculture Innovation Award finalist Arbiom is steadily proving the efficacy of its alternative feed ingredient SylPro, made from woody biomass.
The third marine-ingredient-free feed contest launches today with an eye on carnivorous species, which face scrutiny for their dependence on fishmeal and fish oil.
Innovation & Investment
Debido a que los productores de camarón carecen de un inventario preciso en el estanque, la empresa de lanzamiento Minnowtech está a punto de ofrecer una solución basada en datos. Tiene algo que ver con las medusas.
Innovation & Investment
Because shrimp farmers lack accurate in-pond inventory, startup Minnowtech is on the verge of offering a data-driven solution. It’s got something to do with jellyfish.
Innovation & Investment
The Aquaculture Innovation Challenge, a contest organized by Netherlands-based Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal, sought to give Indonesia’s struggling shrimp sector a boost.
Patima Tungpuchayakul, who rescued more than 5,000 Thai and migrant workers on fishing vessels, punctuates an emotional event kickoff.