After first harvest, offshore aquaculture venture in Qatar sets fresh ambitions
With a successful sea bass harvest last fall, Qatar’s only offshore aquaculture venture now seeks to double production and diversify into other species.
New research from WorldFish and the Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions determines that most national nutrition policies are recognizing the value of aquatic foods.
With a successful sea bass harvest last fall, Qatar’s only offshore aquaculture venture now seeks to double production and diversify into other species.
Los alimentos acuáticos pueden ayudar a generar sistemas alimentarios globales resilientes y apoyar períodos críticos del desarrollo humano, determina un nuevo documento de la ONU.
Aquatic foods can help to deliver resilient global food systems and to support critical periods of human development, a new UN paper determines.
“Ocean Solutions that Benefit People, Nature and the Economy” encourages a new ocean narrative that touts mariculture’s three major benefits.
Innovation & Investment
The Orkney Shellfish Hatchery aims to aid the restoration of iconic U.K. fisheries – native flat oysters, clawed lobsters and their coastal communities.
GOAL delegates heard that the biggest opportunity for land-based and offshore aquaculture is to scale production and increase seafood supplies.
With the retail and foodservice sectors working collaboratively, the seafood industry plugged crucial protein supply gaps and grew demand for fish.
Investigación encuentra que la acuacultura sensible a la nutrición puede beneficiar la salud pública a través de productos del mar diversos y ricos en nutrientes, y al permitir un acceso equitativo a estos productos.
Research finds that nutrition-sensitive aquaculture can benefit public health through diverse, nutrient-rich seafood, and enabling equitable access to it.
Innovation & Investment
U.K. prawn farms FloGro Fresh and Great British Prawns believe demand for trusthworthy, local food will carry them past the COVID-19 market disruption.
Aquaculture producers in Ireland’s Clew Bay prove that organized clusters can mitigate biosecurity risks and can even raise their profile with consumers.
Innovation & Investment
Un nuevo tipo de bioplástico a base de quitosano, fabricado de conchas de mariscos, emerge como una posible solución para el desperdicio global de alimentos y la contaminación de plásticos marinos.
Innovation & Investment
A new type of chitosan-based bioplastic, made from shellfish shells, emerges as a potential solution for global food waste and marine plastic pollution.
Un número creciente de productores acuícolas están descubriendo que tecnología fácilmente disponible puede ayudarlos a compartir abiertamente sus jornada desde el huevo al plato.
An expanding number of aquaculture producers are discovering that readily available technology can help them share their egg-to-plate journeys openly.